Over the years Orion’s Quest has been blessed to work with many Principal Investigators who have generously agreed to give students the opportunity to not only look at their research but actually participate in it in some way.
These are exciting times as we constantly add new OQ missions being conducted on the International Space Station. These missions add to the long list of opportunities available for engaging students in authentic space-based research. Check out these OQ PI’s;
Principal Investigators
Dr. Catherine Conley – Head of National Planetary Protection Division, NASA Headquarters Washington D.C OQ Worms In Space
Dr. Cheryl Nickerson – Center for Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology, Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University OQ Managing Microbes In Space
Dr. Julyan Cartwright and Dr. Ignacio Sainz Diaz – Laboratory For The Study of Crystallography, Granada, Spain OQ Silicate Gardens In Space
Dr. Louis Stodieck – BioServe Space Technologies, University of Colorado, Boulder Colorado OQ Spiders In Space
Ms. MaryAnn Colley – Westminster Butterfly Pavilion, Boulder, Colorado OQ Butterflies In Space
Dr. Nathaniel Szewczyk – University of Nottingham, Derby, UK OQ Worms In Space
Dr. Oana Marcu – SETI Institute, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California OQ Fruit Flies In Space
Dr. Peter Lee – Wexner Medical Center at The Ohio State University OQ Stem On Station
Dr. Sharmila Bhattacharya – Head of the Biomodel Performance and Behavior Laboratory NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California OQ Fruit Flies In Space
Dr. Wu – Stanford University School of Medicine OQ Stem On Station
Dr. Zubair – Medical and Scientific Director of the Cell Therapy Laboratory at the Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida (current) OQ Stem cell Studies On Station
Dr. Shou-Ching Jaminet – Founder and Chief Scientist of Angiex Inc. Boston , Mass. OQ CuRE (Cancer Microgravity Research Experiment)
Dr. Firouzeh Sabri – Chair of Physics and Materials Science, University of Memphis OQ Sensing Temperatures in Space
Dr. Luis Zea – BioServe Space Technologies and Sierra Space Corp. OQ Biofilms in Space and You
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